Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Showing Me Life!

Every morning when I open my email my eyes scan for one. One from Klove, there Encourging Word for the day! They always have such uplifting messages! Today's just hit me like a ton of bricks!

"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever."
- Psalms 116:11 -

So often I complain about the place I am in. Maybe its my job, or no friends, or being single when all my friends and my little sister are getting married. I sit there and dont even see the blessings in it!
But this verse is telling me that He has a plan! He is granting me the joy of His presence even in this not so fun time! I am willing to not even notice this and complain about the place I am in, and all He is trying to do is give me everything!
How selfish of me to ignore Him like that! And to complain like that!
So, this is me, going to live with JOY because I am in His presence and can live FOREVER with  Him someday!
Who will join me?



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